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         The Youth for Environment in Schools Organization (YES-O) Commission on Elections (COMELEC) conducted a school-wide elections last March 6, 2018 to determine the new set of Youth for Environment in Schools Organization (YES-O) Executive Officers for School Year 2018-2019.

          There were two competing environmental parties namely Massive Alliance Guiding Individuals to Cleanliness (MAGIC) and Students That Regulate and Animate youths to Initiate a Green and Healthy Territory (STRAIGHT). The two environmental parties had their one week room-to-room campaign period from February 26 to March 5. 

         After the whole-day school wide elections and vote canvassing of YES-O COMELEC, Norie R. Bautista (G9-Cavite) from STRAIGHT Party emerged as the newly elected president of the organization garnering 1,512 votes which was 286 votes larger than Andrea M. Suarez of MAGIC Party.

         Below is the summary of votes received by the candidates per grade level:


The new set of YES-O Officers during their Oath-Taking Ceremonies with the SSG and RCY Officers

           The newly elected YES-O Oficers took their oath last March 14, 2018 at the Global Filipino School (GFS) Classroom together with the newly elected Supreme Student Government (SSG) Officers and Red Cross Youth (RCY) Officers.


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