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About YES-O

      Green is the color of life. It symbolizes nature, health, growth, harmony and freshness. It is the most restful color for the human eye. It is the hue of youth. In addition, every year, the Youth for Environment in Schools Organization (YES-O) is painting the town green — a continuing strong interest in protecting and preserving the planet’s resources. It is manifestation that students in schools have always been mobilized and maintains a renewed youth participation and action to protect, preserve, conserve and rehabilitate our environment.


      Department of Education (DepEd) Order No. 72, series of 2003, establishes YES-O as the only co-curricular environmental club or organization in schools. It consolidates all other environmental and/or ecology clubs or organizations in schools with main and primary programs or projects for the environment. This effort believes that starting them young in the ways of environmentalism help secure a clean and healthy environment for generations to come. YES-O inspires and trains diverse youth to impact environmental issues through community action projects and campaigns; skills training in leadership, environmental education, civic engagement, and community organizing; and knowledge that sustain our communities and future. 


      YES-O members realize that deterioration of the natural environment is one of the principal concerns of young people worldwide as it has direct implications for their well-being both now and in the future. Abiding with the mandates of organization, sustainable development has become a key element in the programs and activities of YES-O throughout the year. While every segment of society is responsible for maintaining the environmental integrity of the community, these young people have a special interest in maintaining a healthy environment because they will be the ones to inherit it.


    The club operates on the values of youth empowerment, sustainability, diversity, justice and healthy environment. However, saving the environment is a team effort. Everyone must participate and work together in order for it to be successful. Everyone has the green light to proceed with a task and a green thumb for utmost care of nature. For after all, green is life.


As per DepEd Order No. 72, s.2003, the Youth for Environment in Schools (YES) Organization shall have the following objectives:

  1. Be aware and create awareness in others of the state of the Philippine environment and ecology, including prevailing issues and concerns relative thereto;

  2. Establish specific and doable programs, projects and activities to address issues and concerns on the environment and ecology;

  3. Network with other government and non-government organizations, including Youth for Environment in Schools (YES) Organizations in other schools within the division and region, with regard to support and assistance to programs, projects and activities of the organization;

  4. Encourage community participation and initiative in environmental and ecological movements and actions; and

  5. Develop among members and the community proper environmental values, skills and attitudes.


As per DepEd Order No. 93, s.2011, the following are the mandated programs of all YES Organizations in the Philippines

  • Seed bank and Nursery Establishment

  • Plant Growing and Caring

  • Awareness Campaigns relative Environmental Issues, Health, and Sanitation

  • Symposia and Trainings

  • Outreach Programs

  • Clean-Up Drives

  • Adopt-a-Forest/ River/ Community

  • Waste Management Program (Recycling, Segregation, and Entrepreneurship)

  • Plastic Free Environment

  • Watershed Protection and Conservation

  • Energy, Water, and Power Supply Conservation

  • Fire Prevention and Disaster Risk Reduction Management

  • Promotion of Local Ecotourism Sites

  • Environmental Camps/ Science Camps

  • Fun Run for the Environment

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