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SElected Environmental Disciples (SEEDS



The Youth for Environment in Schools Organization (YES-O) is looking for SIX (6) REPRESENTATIVES per Grade level. These Grade Level Representatives will be known as SElected Environmental Disciples (SE.E.Ds.)

The YES-O SEEDs will serve as the volunteer corps of the organization and will function as regular officers. (as per Article XIII Sec.1 of YES-O Constitution and By-Laws)


IF YOU ARE INTERESTED, please submit a duly accomplished Application Form.


You can secure your SEEDs Application form from ANY of the following:
a. for Grade 7 and 8 applicants: Mycky Francisco of Grade 8 Atis
    for Grade 9 applicants: Gwyneth Baylon of Grade 9 Laguna
    for Grade 10 applicants: Royce Lapan of Grade 10 Artemio Ricarte
b. YES-O External Vice President, Hanna A. Basa of Grade 10 Ladislao Diwa
c. YES-O Advisers, Sir Louie-Zel Pedro and Maam Ivy Delos Reyes @ CNHS Science Department; or
d. download the SEED APPLICATION FORM from our official website:


The deadline of submission of the application form is on June 14 (Friday), 5:00 PM.


We will also conduct a panel interview to the applicants to select the Grade level representatives on June 15 (Saturday).


Below is the interview schedule:
8:00 AM to 9:00 AM = Grade 7
9:00 AM to 10:00 AM = Grade 8
10:00 AM to 11:00 AM = Grade 9
11:00 AM to 12:00 NN = Grade 10


Please note that the above-mentioned schedule will be strictly observed.

Please send us a message through our offical facebook page if you have questions and/or clarifications.



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